Focusing your blog around niche topics will increase your readership and search engine performance. If your blog covers too many topics, it becomes harder for people to find related content on your site and for search engines to understand what your site is about. Here are some ways to narrow the focus of your site.
Most importantly, think about your readers and their needs. Ask questions about who wants to read about the topics you want to cover: What are their professional titles? What do they need to know about these topics? What content are they most likely to share on their social media accounts?
You may want to focus your posts on news and developments affecting specific locations. If a topic doesn’t affect readers in that location, leave it out. Which topics do you know better than anyone else? Is there a topic where you’d like to establish yourself as a subject-matter expert?
Which topics affect your preferred industry? Who are your main competitors? What are they doing? How are you different?
List out the topics you want to cover on your blog. Then group those topics together under four or five larger categories. If a topic doesn’t fit under one of those categories, leave it out. Blogs that cover too many topics will quickly lose focus.
These blogs focus on specific industries or geographic areas: Broadcast Law Blog, Legal Flight Deck, Money Laundering Watch, Fracking Insider, Tobacco Law Blog, Minnesota Family Law Blog.